Associate Vice President for Research, Director of the Center for Undergraduate Research (CUGR)
Aging, Bioinformatics, Biomedical Engineering, Computational Biology, Neuroscience, Sensor Networks, Wireless communications
Assistant Professor of Psychology
Aging, Cardiovascular, Neuropsychological Assessment, Neuroscience
Assistant Professor of Molecular & Cellular Biology
Accepting Rotating Students, Aging, Molecular and Cellular Biology, Stress Response and Adaptation
Assistant Professor
Aging, Alzheimer's Disease, Behavioral/Cognitive Sciences, Molecular and Cellular Biology, Neuronal cell types, Neuroscience, Synapses
Faculty Scientist II
MaineHealth Institute for Research (MHIR)
(207) 396-8379
Accepting Rotating Students, Aging, Biochemistry, Bioengineering, Development, Metabolism, Obesity diabetes thermogenesis, optogenetics, Signaling Pathways, Stem Cells, T32 Faculty, Tissue, Tissue Generation
Associate Professor
(207) 288-6025
Aging, Bioinformatics, Bioinformatics/Computational Biology, Functional Genomics, Genomics, Molecular and Cellular Biology, Neurogenetics, Neuroscience
Associate Professor
(207) 288-9880 Ext. 444
Aging, Development, Functional Genomics, Genomics, Immunology/Inflammation/Hematology, Molecular and Cellular Biology, Stress Response and Adaptation, Stress-induced developmental programing
Director of Graduate School of Biomedical Science and Engineering
207 581 3071
Aging, Behavioral/Cognitive Sciences, Genomics, Molecular and Cellular Biology, Neurobiology, Neurodevelopment, Neurogenetics, Neuroscience, T32 PI
Senior Staff Scientist
207-288-9880 ext. 139
Aging, Bioinformatics, Bioinformatics/Computational Biology, Cancer, Development, Functional Genomics, Genomics, graber, Molecular and Cellular Biology, Reproductive Biology
Associate Professor
Adults, Aging, Behavioral/Cognitive Sciences, Depression, Mindfulness, Self-injury
(207) 581-2816
Accepting Rotating Students, Aging, Development, Molecular and Cellular Biology, Neurodevelopment, Neuroscience, Stress Response and Adaptation, T32 Faculty, T32 PI
Research Professor
Aging, Behavioral/Cognitive Sciences, Bioinformatics, Biomedical Engineering, Computational Biology, Genomics, Hematology, Immunology, Inflammation, Neuroscience
(207) 288-6992
Accepting Rotating Students, Aging, Biomimicry, Cancer, Genomics, Image Analysis, Kidney, T32 Faculty
Associate Professor
Addiction Behavioral Disorders, Aging, Behavioral and Cognitive Impairment, Bioinformatics, Circadian rhythms information, Complex Traits, Computational Biology, Developmental Disorders, Fragile X, Genetics and Genomics
Faculty Scientist III
MaineHealth Institute for Research (MHIR)
(207) 396-8142
Aging, Cancer, Cardiovascular, Functional Genomics, Genomics, Metabolism, Molecular and Cellular Biology, Osteopontin, Pronuclear Injection, Stress Response and Adaptation, T32 Faculty, T32 PI
Professor; Director, Center for Cell Signaling Research
(207) 602-2221
Accepting Rotating Students, Aging, Biochemistry, Metabolism, Molecular and Cellular Biology, Neurobiology, Neurodevelopment, Neuroscience, Proteins, Stress Response and Adaptation, T32 Faculty, Transduction
Associate Professor
(207) 288-6012
Aging, Behavioral/Cognitive Sciences, Diet-Induced Obesity, Metabolism, Neurobiology, Neurogenetics, Neuroscience