Biomedical Engineering, UMaine, Tilbury and Khalil labs
Director, University Research Professor of Medicine
Ph.D. Biomedical Science, 2019
Mentor: Tamara King | Thesis Topics: Chronic Pain
central sensitization, nocicieption, optogenetics, pain, somatosensory, therapeutics
Associate Professor of Mechanical Engineering
(207) 581-6689 or -4642
Biomechanics, Exoskeletons, Human/machine interaction, Robot-assisted gait training, Wearable devices
(207) 581-2816
Accepting Rotating Students, Aging, Development, Molecular and Cellular Biology, Neurodevelopment, Neuroscience, Stress Response and Adaptation, T32 Faculty, T32 PI
Professor of Physics
(207) 581-1036
Experimental and Theoretical Biophysics, Fluorescence microscopy, Function and Lateral Organization of Biomembranes, Functional Genomics, Genomics, Green Fluorescent Proteins, Light Microscopy, Molecular and Cellular Biology, Photophysics, Single Molecule Fluorescence Photophysics, Spectroscopy
Biomedical Sciences
Mentor: Greg Cox | Thesis Topics: Neuromuscular Degeneration
F31 Fellowship Recipient, Genetics, Genomics, SMARD1, Spinal Muscular Atrophy with Respiratory Distress, T32 Fellow, T32 Fellow 2019-2020
Biomedical Science (PhD)
Associate Professor of Biomedical Engineering
(207) 581-2309
Accepting Rotating Students, Bioengineering, Biointerfaces, Biointerfacial interactions, Biomedical Engineering, Biomolecular Surface Interactions, Materialbased pathogen control, T32 Faculty
Biomedical Engineering (PhD)
Associate Professor of Microbiomes
Diet and gut microbiome, Genomics, Hematology, Host-associated microbiome, Immunology, Inflammation, Molecular and Cellular Biology, T32 Faculty
Biomedical Sciences
Mentor: Kristy Townsend | Thesis Topics: Energy Balance, Stimuli
Biomedical Science
Mentor: Joshua Kelley | Thesis Topics: GPCR signaling, computational image analysis, gradient tracking, yeast genetics, live cell microscopy
Assistant Professor of Biochemistry
(207) 581-2957
Cancer, Molecular and Cellular Biology, T32 Faculty, Yeast G-protein signaling
(207) 581-3911
Accepting Rotating Students, Bioinformatics/Computational Biology, Biomedical Engineering, Cancer, Molecular and Cellular Biology, Radiomics
Associate Professor of Mechanical Engineering
(207) 581-5183
Additive Manufacturing/ 3D Printing, Bio-Manufacturing, Bioengineering, Biomaterial, Biomedical Engineering, CAD/CAM/CAE, Digital Manufacturing
Biomedical Sciences
Muscular Dystrophy Association
Mentor: Clarissa Henry | Thesis Topics: Muscular Dystrophy, Genes, Strength Training
Associate Professor of Bioinformatics
(207) 581-2803
Bioinformatics, Bioinformatics/Computational Biology, gene regulatory networks, Genes, Genomics, Inflammation, kidney disease, RNA, Stress Response, T32 Faculty
Professor of Clinical Nutrition
Berry bioactives and their role on chronic disease, Hypertension, Metabolic Syndrome, Metabolism, Nutrition and Vascular Function, Nutritional Physiology and Biochemistry
Biomedical Science (PhD)
F31 Fellowship Recipient, Student Executive, T32 Fellow, T32 Fellow 2020-2022