Gabriel Jensen


B.A. St. Mary’s College of Maryland, 2015


For as long as I can remember, I have been fascinated with the majesty of life – from flowers to insects, to water on Mars. I am driven by an obsession with discovery, and an interest in the science of life, which extends throughout the field of biology into multiple disciplines. I have been in biological labs uninterrupted since the age of 16. My many research experiences have shown me that I am interested in discovering all I can for the betterment of science and medicine.

Dissertation Projects I study the neuroscience of energy balance in the laboratory of Prof. Kristy Townsend. My current project is focused on the effects of neurogenic stimuli on a novel population of adult neural stem cells in the mouse brain, as well as characterizing these cells. This includes studies of the involvement of growth factor signaling in the mechanism of action of a subset of these cells. I am also involved in a project studying hypothalamic-based sympathetic cross-talk between adipose tissue and bone, as we strive to understand the link between metabolic dysfunction and osteoporosis.

Oxburgh Lab Rotation Here, I performed CRISPR on a stem cell line to pave the way to creating an immortalized stem cell line that could then be differentiated into long-lasting primary cell line cultures for patient studies.

Townsend Lab Rotation During my rotation, I uncovered and traced the migration of adult neural stem cells in the adult mouse brain with a novel and unique stem cell marker being studied by the Townsend lab.

Burgess Lab Rotation In my final rotation I worked with Dr. Burgesses lab to study the phenotypic effects of a mutation linked to peripheral neuropathy. I also studied the role of a protein commonly found in the skin that is thought to play a role in the progression of certain peripheral neuropathies.

Dissertation Mentor