(207) 288-6706
Development, Neurobiology, Neurodevelopment, Neurogenetics, Neuromuscular disease models, Neuroscience, T32 Faculty
Associate Professor
(207) 288-9880 Ext. 444
Aging, Development, Functional Genomics, Genomics, Immunology/Inflammation/Hematology, Molecular and Cellular Biology, Stress Response and Adaptation, Stress-induced developmental programing
Director of Graduate School of Biomedical Science and Engineering
207 581 3071
Aging, Behavioral/Cognitive Sciences, Genomics, Molecular and Cellular Biology, Neurobiology, Neurodevelopment, Neurogenetics, Neuroscience, T32 PI
(207) 581-2816
Accepting Rotating Students, Aging, Development, Molecular and Cellular Biology, Neurodevelopment, Neuroscience, Stress Response and Adaptation, T32 Faculty, T32 PI
Associate Professor
(207) 581-2460
Accepting Rotating Students, Biomedical optics, Cellular Metabolism, Extracellular Matrix, Imaging Microscopy, STEM Education, T32 Faculty, Tumor microenvironment