Faculty Scientist II, Director, Confocal Microscopy Core Facility at MHIR
MaineHealth Institute for Research (MHIR)
(207) 396-8146
Accepting Rotating Students, Aging, Biomedical Engineering, Cancer, Cardiovascular, Metabolism, Molecular and Cellular Biology, Stem Cells, Stress Response and Adaptation
Associate Professor
(207) 288-6783
Aging, Cancer, Cancer/tumors, immune disorders, Immunodeficiency, Immunodeficient xenograft host, Immunology/Inflammation/Hematology, Stem Cells, T32 Faculty, Tumor microenvironment and tumor immunology in cancer therapeutic resistance and relapse, Xenograft
Professor and Scientific Director
Aging, Cancer, Cardiovascular, developmental biology, Developmental Disorders, Genetics and Genomics, Infectious disease, Infectious Disease Research, Neurodegenerative and Neuromuscular Diseases, Stem Cells
Accepting Rotating Students, Aging, Cancer, Immunology/Inflammation/Hematology, Molecular and Cellular Biology, Stem Cells, T32 Faculty
Associate Professor
(207) 288-9880 Ext. 477
Accepting Rotating Students, Aging, Behavioral/Cognitive Sciences, Bioinformatics/Computational Biology, Development, Genomics, Germline development, Molecular and Cellular Biology, Neuroscience, Reproductive Biology, Stem Cells, Stress Response and Adaptation, T32 Faculty
Associate Professor
Accepting Rotating Students, Aging, Cancer, Cardiovascular Immunology, Hematology, Inflammation, Metabolism, Molecular and Cellular Biology