Ph.D. Student: Biomedical Sciences, 2013
Thesis: Membrane localization of palmitoylated G proteins: implication of lipid microdomains
IPh.D. Functional Genomics, 2015
Thesis: Regulation of angiogenesis and tumor growth by the pro-inflammatory cryptic RGDKGE containing collagen epitope
Ph.D. Biomedical Sciences, 2019
Ph.D. Biomedical Sciences, 2019
IPh.D. Functional Genomics, 2016
Thesis: Characterization of the murine lung transcriptome during pre- and post-natal development in three inbred strains of laboratory mice
Ph.D. Biomedical Sciences, 2015
Thesis: Defining the role of the microRNA, MIR-101, in zebrafish heart regeneration
Biomedical Science
Mentor: Robert Wheeler | Thesis Topics: Fungal Pathogen, Immune System
Ph.D. Biomedical Sciences, 2019
Ph.D. Biomedical Sciences, 2019
Biomedical Sciences
MaineHealth Institute for Research (MHIR)
| Thesis Topic: Kidney Cancer, Models
Ph.D. Biomedical Sciences, 2013
MaineHealth Institute for Research (MHIR)
Thesis: Regulation of vascular smooth muscle phenotype by notch signaling
Ph.D. Biomedical Sciences, 2012
Translational Genomics Research Institute
Thesis: Non-invasive imaging of host response in a zebrafish model of candidemia
Ph.D. Biomedical Sciences, 2016
Thesis: Investigating the effect of particulate hexavalent chromium on homologous recombination repair
Biomedical Engineering
Mentor: David Neivandt | Thesis Topics: Peripheral Nerve Regeneration
Bioengineering, Biomedical Engineering, Neuroscience, peripheral neuropathy, T32 Fellow, T32 Fellow 2019-2020, Tissue Generation
Ph.D. Biomedical Sciences, 2013
Thesis: The role of snail family genes during mouse long bone development
Ph.D. Biomedical Sciences, 2013
Gachon Cardiovascular Research Institute
Thesis: Role of proprotein convertases in HDL metabolism
Ph.D. Biomedical Engineering, 2015
Thesis: Microengineering the neural tube
Ph.D. Biomedical Sciences, 2015
Thesis: Effects of nutritional and environmental stress on bone and adipose tissue in mice
Ph.D. Biomedical Sciences, 2013
Thesis: Exploring mouse and human pluripotent stem cell fate determination with Bayesian network machine learning
IPh.D. Functional Genomics, 2008
Thesis: Non-classical export of signal peptide-less proteins studied via sum frequency spectroscopy and biochemical techniques
IPh.D. Functional Genomics, 2013
U.S. Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases
Thesis: Field-deployable colorimetric biosensor system for the rapid detection of pathogenic organisms