Congratulations to the T32 students who received F31 grants: Connor Murphy, Katie Stieber Ellis, Sarah Holbrook, Andy Ouellette, Audrie Langlais, Amanda Ignacz! Congratulations to to Marissa McGilvrey who got an American Heart Association fellowship! And finally cheers to the T32 students who have graduated: Jesse Rochester, Katie Stieber, Nick Carter, Sarah Holbrook, Connor Murphy, and Ashley Soucy!
The University of Maine Graduate School of Biomedical Science and Engineering is home to a T32 training grant entitled “Transdisciplinary predoctoral training in biomedical science and engineering” from the National Institute of General Medical Sciences. The purpose of this grant is to support promising predoctoral students who have an interest in transdisciplinary research and team science.
Student support and mentorship
The University of Maine Graduate School of Biomedical Science and Engineering is home to a T32 training grant entitled “Transdisciplinary predoctoral training in biomedical science and engineering” from the National Institute of General Medical Sciences. This T32 is currently led by Drs. Clarissa Henry (Univ. Maine) and Lucy Liaw (MaineHealth). The purpose of this grant is to support promising predoctoral students who have an interest in transdisciplinary research and team science. This program supports predoctoral students who perform research at UMaine or any of the partner institutions, including MaineHealth Institute for Research, The Jackson Laboratory, Mount Desert Island Biological Laboratory, and University of New England. The program establishes a co-mentorship model, with the opportunity for the student to gain relevant research training in complementary research fields, such as cell and molecular biology, genetics, computational biology, engineering, biomedicine, and bioinformatics. This T32 has over 50 faculty mentors distributed in our partner sites committed to research training of the next generation of researchers and educators.