Brianna Gurdon


  • Allegheny College, 2018 B.S Biology

Brief Biography

Prior to graduating summa cum laude from Allegheny College I was introduced to Dr. Kaczorowski’s lab in the summer of 2018 through the Jackson Laboratory’s Summer Student Program. Following that experience, I returned to the lab as a research intern and later decided to pursue a Ph.D. in biomedical sciences through the UMaine GSBSE. My current research interests include using the AD-BXD Alzheimer’s Disease model mouse population to characterize susceptibility vs resiliency to AD progression. Using imaging modalities, I am evaluating the variation of neuroanatomical structure and cell and pathology composition among individuals. The integrating of this data with behavioral and omics analyses aims to pave a path towards precision medicine.

Dissertation Mentor

Kristen O’Connell, JAX