Muthumeena Ramanathan


  • B.Sc. (Research) Biotechnology, Shiv Nadar Institution of Eminence, 2024

Brief Biography

Driven by an early fascination with science and research, I pursued an undergraduate degree in biotechnology at Shiv Nadar University, India. For my undergraduate thesis, I developed a cell line-based model to capture the dynamic nature of Therapy Induced Senescence (TIS) and studied the efficacy of the background extinction strategy, exploiting the vulnerabilities of senescent cells induced by chemotherapy.

During my summer research internship at Mount Sinai Hospital in Toronto, I utilized CRISPR editing techniques to investigate the cooperation between homeodomain and TEAD proteins in YAPoff cancers. This experience deepened my passion for oncology, where I am eager to address critical questions. I am also keenly interested in developmental biology and aspire to understand how tissues precisely regulate regeneration and its cessation. The complexities of aging also intrigue me.

Looking ahead, I aim to contribute to biomedical science by conducting research to improve our understanding of fundamental biological processes and translating these findings to enhance human health. Beyond the laboratory, I am an avid reader and artist, eager to capture the beauty of Maine in my paintings or perhaps pen a few poems.