Nadia Rosenthal

Brief Biography

Professor Rosenthal is the Scientific Director of The Jackson Laboratory (Bar Harbor, Maine). She obtained her Ph.D. from Harvard Medical School, where she later directed a biomedical research laboratory, then established and headed the European Molecular Biology Laboratory (EMBL) campus in Rome. She was Founding Director of the Australian Regenerative Medicine Institute at Monash University and founded EMBL Australia as its Scientific Head. Rosenthal is an EMBO member, Fellow of the UK Academy of Medical Sciences and the Australian Academy of Health and Medical Science, is an NH&MRC Australia Fellow, and is the Maxine Groffsky Endowed Chair at The Jackson Laboratory. She also holds a Chair in Cardiovascular Science at Imperial College London.

Professor Rosenthal innovates the use of complex mouse genetic diversity panels to investigate mammalian development, disease, and repair, particularly in cardiovascular and skeletal muscle. Her research has advanced regenerative medicine by elucidating the role of growth factors, stem cells and the immune system in tissue healing after injury. Her book, Heart Development and Regeneration, is considered the definitive text in the field. She has received numerous honorary doctorates and prizes, participates on international advisory boards and committees and is a Founding Editor of Disease Models and Mechanisms, Deputy Editor of Differentiation and Founding Editor-in-Chief of NPJ Regenerative Medicine.