Program of Study
Laboratory Rotations
Students not directly admitted into a laboratory desiring to perform dissertation work through GSBSE are required to complete three laboratory rotations minimum. GSBSE requires that at least two Institutions be represented in a student’s rotation experience. These rotations are chosen by the student with the goals of providing experiences in diverse research areas and environments, and in the identification of a dissertation mentor.
At the end of each laboratory rotation, the student will provide a summary of her/his research achievements in the laboratory and the student evaluation of the experience. The Principal Investigator (PI) will evaluate the performance of the rotation student, and discuss this evaluation in detail with the student. Strengths and deficiencies will be noted and the PI may suggest coursework or study to correct any deficiencies that are identified. Both evaluations will be forwarded to the GSBSE office. The rotation evaluations will become a permanent part of the student’s file.
Course Requirements
To graduate, GSBSE Ph.D. students must complete at minimum 30 credits of courses divided into three categories: (1) 16 credits of mandatory required courses, (2) 4 credits of project-specific courses, and (3) at minimum 10 credits of research.
There are four mandatory courses that all GSBSE Ph.D. students are required to complete. The first course is Foundations of Biomedical Science and Engineering (BMS 625) and is comprised of a series of four modules that provide a framework for an introduction to research in the field of Biomedical Science and Engineering: Genetics, Biostatistics/Computational Biology, Biochemistry, and Animal Physiology. The second course must pertain to biocomputing or biostatistics (e.g. BMB 502 Introduction to Bioinformatics). The third course must pertain to bioethics and scientific conduct (e.g. BMS 605: Responsible Conduct of Research). The fourth course is the Grant Writing course (BMS 650) usually taken the Fall of the second year.
Additionally, all GSBSE Ph.D. students are required to complete at minimum 5 credits of courses unique for each GSBSE student that will be tailored depending on their degree (Ph.D. in Biomedical Science, or Ph.D. in Biomedical Engineering) and project. Coursework will be determined by their dissertation mentor and committee.
Finally, at minimum 10 credits of research credits (BMS 699) are required.
Choosing a Dissertation Mentor(s)
During the summer of the first year, the student is expected to identify a mentor from the three or four completed rotations, exceptions may be made with the Director’s approval. The student will begin in the chosen laboratory in the Summer of the first year or Fall semester of the second year. During the first half year in the mentor’s laboratory a specific and focused dissertation topic should be identified and a thesis committee established.