Will Sampson


  • University of Maine Farmington, 2021, B.A. Biology

Brief Biography

During the last two years of my undergraduate education at UMaine Farmington I was a Research Assistant in the Breton Lab studying a family of orphan G Protein Coupled Receptors in fish including zebrafish and African turquoise killifish. Following graduation in 2021, I was lucky enough to participate in an INBRE Summer Research Fellowship in the Houseknecht Lab at the University of New England studying the effects of Atypical Antipsychotic drugs on inflammation in zebrafish larvae. After briefly working as a Zebrafish Husbandry Technician at UNE, I was hired as a Research Assistant in the Drummond Lab at MDI Biological Laboratory studying kidney regeneration in zebrafish. As a new PhD student in Biomedical Science, I am looking forward to my rotations where I hope to work on diverse animal models, techniques, and research questions in order to gain a breadth of experiences.


  • Breton, T. S., Sampson, W. G., Clifford, B., Phaneuf, A. M., Smidt, I., True, T., … & DiMaggio, M. A. (2021). Characterization of the G protein-coupled receptor family SREB across fish evolution. Scientific Reports, 11(1), 12066.