Data Available for APOE, Cardiovascular Disease Risk Factors, and Cognitive Outcomes

The Maine Syracuse Longitudinal Study (MSLS) data base may be of value to GSBSE faculty and students interested in the genetics of neuronal repair, atherosclerosis, diabetes mellitus, cholesterol, dementia, and cognitive functioning, among other outcomes adversely influenced by the presence of the  APOE 4 allele ( .

 The MSLS seek collaboration from GSBSE faculty and students interested in population studies involving APOE. Training in population methods for statistical analysis is available to students who might wish to use the data or collaborate with ongoing MSLS investigations. 

MSLS Description

Publication List MSLS:

Contact: or Mar@Umit.Maine.Edu Merrill Elias  207-244-1127 or Michel Robbins , 207-581-2033;